Ancient Memory Purpose Oils with Power Stones and Special Herbs
Sophia Hebrew/Greek/Christian "Queen of Heaven"
Fertility, motherhood, wisdom, and the Divine Mother.
In the ancient mysteries of the Middle East, and in ancient Hebrew texts, God had a wife - and her name was Sophia. She is known as the "Holy Ghost" or "Holy Spirit" in modern Christian texts. She is the original energy of the "Queen of Heaven". The Sacred Feminine, Wisdom, and the all-encompassing Mother, every religion has their equivalent to this energy.
Her essence is of Cedarwood and Citrus. Cedar is a sacred tree found in many areas of the Holy Lands, and Citrus symbolizes her fertility and Mother energy. The stone is Labradorite for deep wisdom and insight. And the herb is Pink Cornflower for Hope, Life, and Unity.
Oils: Cedar & Citrus
Herb: Pink Cornflower
Stone: Labradorite