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Atlantisite™ (Tumbled)

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Tumbled Stone measures approximately: 0.5" to 1" in length, although sizes vary
Picture shows a wide variety of how this stone may form - you will receive (1) Tumbled Stone, intuitively chosen for you!


(Stichtite in Serpentine)

Best used for:

Spiritual evolution
Harmony and balance
Intuition and finding your spiritual path

  • A stone of deep heart-healing— promotes forgiveness and compassion, including self-forgiveness and acceptance
  • Reawakens the heart for the rediscovery of joy in one’s life and to find higher purpose for greater fulfillment
  • Encourages letting go of judgment; helps in the understanding of many different perspectives and being open to new ideas
  • Allows reconnecting with others to nurture and rebuild trust; brings cooperation and unity in relationships and in family
  • Harmonizes conflict— both within, and in one’s space; clears emotional confusion and brings insight to conflicting emotions
  • Helps one to prioritize self-care; excellent for stress-relief and relaxation— restores peace and serenity
  • Supports healing on all levels, helps to restore energetic inner-balance
  • Activates clairvoyance and psychic ability
  • Protects from negativity: clears, purifies, and neutralizes negative energy

Additional Information:

  • Composed of Stichtite (purple-pink) in Serpentinite (green) with Chromite and Magnetite; Stichtite (pronounced: STIK-tite) was first recognized as a new mineral in 1910; named after mine manager, Robert Carl Sticht
  • Primary source: Stichtite Hill, Zeehan District, Tasmania, Australia; other minor sources have been discovered since, but are not officially known as Atlantisite™
  • Atlantisite™ is the tradename attributed to Gerald Pauley, an officer of the Australian company, Crystal Universe, Pty Ltd, in Melbourne— inspired by the lost civilization of Atlantis
  • This stone is also incorrectly called Tasmanite, which is in fact a brown to amber-colored sedimentary rocky type, organic in origin, consisting of prasinophyte alga— which is classified as marine type oil shale

Availability: Uncommon
Hardness: 1.5 - 4

Suggested Cleansing Methods: Moonlight, Sunlight, Sage Smudge / Incense

Caution: Water exposure may cause the structure of the stone to break down over time.  Use nothing abrasive, stone will scratch easily.

Stones are natural and color/patterning/shape will differ in appearance from shown example.  You will receive (1) Tumbled Stone.  Please allow us to intuitive choose the right one for you!

 This information serves as a quick guide of subjective metaphysical properties for crystals & gemstones formed through personal experience as well as research of historical and cultural customs & practices. Each person is unique and will experience crystals in their own way depending on their life’s experiences.

 Crystals and gemstones are tools used for living a more positive life and should be used to empower yourself to transform and grow. We possess within ourselves everything that we need to live life fully. Crystals and gemstones serve as a visual and energetic tool to help us on our path. We should not give our power away to them. They are not meant to be a substitute for medical attention.