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Ammonite w/ Ammolite Inlay Sterling Silver Pendant D

$89.00 $179.00
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(Pendant measures approximately 2.1" x  1.3" including bail)


(Gem Quality Ammonite Fossil)

  • Excellent protective amulet— smooths the way and shifts things in your favor; useful for travel protection
  • Transforms and transmutes negativity into positive, smooth flowing energy; purifies and clears energetic blocks and stagnant flow in a person or space
  • Instills greater stability and structure to one’s life, brings order to chaotic situations— very grounding; affirms the interconnectedness of all things and helps one understand their place in it all and to find deeper purpose
  • In times of great transformation and change, provides energy and stamina; boosts resilience and flexibility to sharpen survival instincts and necessity awareness
  • Harmonizes balance and flow in the body and in one’s surroundings— enhances well being, promotes harmonious relationships at work and in home
  • Allows access to hidden knowledge and wisdom; connects one to ancestral energy and to discover past lives

Gem-Quality Ammolite color energy:

  • Red: Stimulates growth and lifeforce energy
  • Orange: Generates creativity and motivation
  • Yellow: Boosts confidence and prosperity
  • Green: Supports healing and good fortune
  • Blue: Brings deep peace and calm
  • Purple: Instills clarity and activates intuition

Additional Information:

  • In Medieval Europe Ammonites were called “Snakestones” and were believed to be coiled snakes turned to stone— they were used to help neutralize poisons
  • Native American tribes of the Great Plains carried Ammonites to heal injuries, and to bring good fortune in travel, relationships, hunting, and for victory in battle
  • The Blackfoot Nation, it is believed, called Ammonites “Iniskim” or “Buffalo Calling Stone” and associated them with a legend of a harsh winter when food was scarce and starvation was near— this stone was discovered through a dream by a woman of the tribe; prayers were made, and a herd of buffalo returned to sustain them
  • It was believed to bring great abundance and prosperity, as well as bearing the energy of great potential to grow or bring about what you need for fulfillment


  • The fossilized remains of marine mollusks (cephalopods), creatures related to the octopus and squid, although more closely resembling the chambered nautilus in appearance
  • Existing for more than 300 million years during the Paleozoic to the Cretaceous era, they were abundantly widespread in the world’s oceans between 66 million to over 400 million years ago
  • More than 10,000 documented species, ranging in size from a few millimeters to more than 11 feet in diameter, have been found making them useful as index fossils: to help determine the age of other fossils in the surrounding stratum area; when Ammonites died, they drifted to the bottom of the ocean where their mineralized shells were easily preserved
  • Ammolite is the rare gem quality variety of Ammonite, displaying bright flashes of iridescent color much like opal. This is a result of nacre (mother of pearl: the substance making up the shell), being exposed to high temperatures and pressures over millions of years.  Under very specific conditions the nacre transforms into fine layers of aragonite which diffuse, bend, and reflect back the light in different colors.
  • Although Ammonites are found worldwide, high quality Ammolite is primarily from Alberta, Canada; lesser quality Ammolite can also be found in Saskatchewan, Canada; Montana, U.S.A; England; and Madagascar
  • Its name is derived from one of the earliest known references of the fossil, the Naturæ Historiæ (Naturalis Historia) written by Roman naturalist and philosopher, Pliny the Elder in 77 CE: he named the fossil ammonis cornua or Horns of Ammon— after the curling ram’s horns of the Egyptian god Ammon/Amun
  • The ram’s horns in early Roman times was viewed as a symbol of supremacy and power— kings, emperors, and even the Roman god Jupiter came to be depicted with the Horns of Ammon, after adopting the symbol from Egypt
  • Ammon/Amun is also the Egyptian god for whom Pharaoh Tutankhamun is named

Availability: Rare 
Hardness: 3.5 - 4

Suggested Cleansing Methods: Moonlight, Sunlight, Sage Smudge / Incense

Caution: Excess water exposure may cause the structure of the stone to break down over time.  Use nothing abrasive, stone will scratch. Avoid extreme temperature changes.  Do not use ultrasonic cleaners— will damage stone.

 This information serves as a quick guide of subjective metaphysical properties for crystals & gemstones formed through personal experience as well as research of historical and cultural customs & practices. Each person is unique and will experience crystals in their own way depending on their life’s experiences.

 Crystals and gemstones are tools used for living a more positive life and should be used to empower yourself to transform and grow. We possess within ourselves everything that we need to live life fully. Crystals and gemstones serve as a visual and energetic tool to help us on our path. We should not give our power away to them. They are not meant to be a substitute for medical attention.