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Money & Abundance

Ancient Memory Oil: Dreams Come True
Dreams Come True: 
create new opportunities, manifest your goals - to bring those things out of reach, just a bit closer
Ancient Memory Oil: Easy Life
Easy Life: 
bring harmony and flow to you in matters of money - to ease the struggle of making ends meet
Ancient Memory Oil: Millionaire Mind
Millionaire Mind: 
better decision-making, problem solving - inspire creative ideas for making more money
Ancient Memory Oil: Money Draw
Money Draw: 
attract money quickly through available channels - use for a boost of cash flow
Ancient Memory Oil: Money Magic
Money Magic:
quickly attract financial support from all areas - including the unexpected
Ancient Memory Oil: Prosperity
attract wealth, abundance, for financial stability - shift into a life of always having everything you need
Ancient Memory Oil: Yen
attract money and stable finances - especially Japanese Yen or for business opportunities from Japan

