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Evil Do-ers Beware - Ancient Memory Oil Set

$39.95 $46.95
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Stand back evil doers! Create a shield of personal, spiritual and home protection with this dynamic trio. Anoint around your doors and windows, or anoint protection items to focus the energy as a shield.

Get three Ancient Memory Oils in a themed set for a special discounted price!

Return to Sender
Return negative and unwanted energies back to where they came from and provide spiritual protection. Helps to dispel negativity and create a “mirror” effect to bounce off our aura.
Oils: plumeria, vanilla and honeysuckle
Herb: hibiscus
Stone: labradorite

Use for personal, spiritual and home protection. Helps reduce negative energies around you.
Oils: frankincense, sandalwood and myrrh
Herb: frankincense

Psychic Protection
To help ward off jealousy, negative energies directed towards you and protect from “evil eye”.
Oils: blend of red clover and lemongrass
Herb: frankincense and myrrh
Stone: tiger’s eye

*Pouch color may vary from what is shown in photo