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Morning Glory 2oz Spray

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Morning Glory Master Blend Spray

Inspiring Motivation
Breaking "Bad" Habits
Waking Up in the Morning

Morning Glory Flower Essence Master Blend is just like it sounds... get up in the morning and feel the glory!  If you dread getting up in the morning, or if you tend to face the day with a sense of worry and/or malaise, it can help shift you into a more positive place so you can rise and shine from a more joyful space.  Its Essence can have a balancing effect on your Crown Chakra and have an influence on the energies that underlie your sleep-wake cycles.  It reminds you to make your connection to the Divine each day and this in turn can bring motivation, rendering it easier to find rest at night.  Its Essence moreover has a protective energy that inspires optimism, encouraging you to shift your focus upward, toward the light, and to increase your "grAtitude".

Morning Glory Flower Essence can also help you to break free from obsessive thinking and or constant worrying.  It can also help you to connect with and communicate better with others, and, in group situations, help ease your ability to interact while maintaining healthy boundaries.  If you struggle with boundaries in your personal relationships, its Essence can assist you in discerning the delicate dance between allowing people in, and saying "No!"  It can also help you do this with food, substances, and other influences - beyond your relationships, empowering you to stand strong and hold your own!

How To Use:

Shake the bottle vigorously to activate.
We recommend 4-6 sprays over areas indicated on the bottle or over areas of stress and tension. You can also spray the most sensitive areas, which include your forehead, temples, neck/throat, heart chakra, and base of skull.

About Shanti Kai Essences:

Shanti Kai Essences are not Aromatherapy, Essential Oils or Fragrances. They are highly complex Vibrational Infusions that work on the body's energy field. Vibrational Essences are all about creating balance, releasing old patterns of behavior and emotions, and helping us to be the expression of our highest, inner potential. These essences transfer the vibrations of flowers, gemstones, precious metals and color to the user's energy field, allowing them to assimilate the corrective frequencies to heal and restore.

*Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Statements made about Shanti Kai Essence Products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult a doctor if you have any health concerns.