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Theresa Falk

Psychic Reader

I love helping clients through life transitions. Whether it's a young person on their way to college, a new marriage, a move, or even menopause, I enjoy helping someone navigate possibilities..”
  • Subjects: Personal Growth, Life Transitions, Relationships
  • Tools: Tarot, Automatic Writing, Pendulum
  • Abilities: Intuitive, Empathic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient
  • Style: Compassionate, Direct

Theresa reads on Sundays from 12:00pm to 4:00pm


Interview with Theresa

What do you feel is your main purpose as a reader?

My mission as a reader is to deliver clarity and healing. I believe that every reading is a spiritual conversation, and those conversations can allow the client to do important self work. No matter how small or big the issue at hand might be, it's important to the client, and I take great pride and joy in helping them successfully navigate it.

How do you do your readings and what will I experience in one of your readings?

At the beginning of the reading I will ask the client for an issue or area of focus and then then take a minute or two of meditation. I lay out the cards intuitively--the layout can change depending on the energy--and then share what comes to me. The cards help me to interpret what I get from spirit, but the main messages come to me through clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Once in a while specific spirits will come through.

What methods or tools do you use in your readings to access your intuition and information?

I use tarot cards, automatic writing, and sometimes pendulums.

What do you enjoy most about giving readings?

There's a moment in most readings where I can tell that something is clicking into place for the reader. I love both that moment and the mutual connection and work it takes to get there.

As a reader what situations or areas do you most enjoy helping people with?

I love helping clients through life transitions. Whether it's a young person on their way to college, a new marriage, a move, or even menopause, I enjoy helping someone navigate possibilities.

Will you tell me “bad” things?

"Bad" can be interpreted in many ways. Whatever information I receive I present in ways that leave the client with some kind of power and choice. If I get information that feels like it could be difficult for the client to receive, I take a few extra moments to word the message in a compassionate manner.

Is my future set or can I change things?

We have more power over our lives than we understand. The information that I provide is a set of tools, not a map.

How long have you been giving readings professionally?

I started reading at psychic fairs in 1998 and have been reading professionally off and on for close to 25 years.

Who were your teachers and mentors that helped shape the way you do readings?

Darrell Harada, who worked for Sedona for many years, has always been my biggest role model. His ability to communicate compassionately and directly inspires me. I also learn from every reader I've worked with.


How many years have you studied for your profession?

I'm always studying to be a better reader. As a writer I love the narrative aspects of readings and as an educator I am always practicing clear communication and compassion. I've studied since the moment I picked up a deck of cards, so that makes 28 years!




"I am amazed at how accurate Theresa's readings are. My partner also has a gift like Theresa, but he sees her for readings for himself." —Maria


"Theresa’s insights are so spot-on! She was able to specifically tell me about areas of concern in terms of my two sons and pinpoint what to look for.  She and her cards seamlessly work in tandem as things are revealed so organically and her down-to-earth nature is so comfortable and comforting at the same time.  I could feel her genuine sincerity and warmth as she shared actionable advice with me. Our time together was so productive and revealing; definitely schedule a session with her!" —Lisa