Place this auspicious Feng Shui cure in the SOUTHEAST (2024) to protect against:
Illness Flying Star #2 - use to protect against illness and physical ailments. Be especially careful to protect your health as you are vulnerable to hospital visits and surgery.
(SNAKE in 2024)
Illness influence - use to protect against illness and physical ailments especially when feeling lack in energy, weary, or tired. Be sure not to over extend yourself.
This Metal Hulu is perfect for weakening the influence of the Earth element Illness Flying Star #2.
On the bottom of the Hulu Gourd:
The Ba-Gua 八卦 (meaning 8-trigram symbols) is pictured. These patterns of 3 broken and unbroken lines represents the 8 fundamental elements of Taoist cosmology arranged in a way that embodies harmony and balance. In the very center of this is the Yin-Yang symbol or:
太极图 tàijítú
also representing balance and harmony.