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Sweet Dreams (Sedona Custom Design)

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Sweet Dreams   

To help energetically sensitive children and adults who are experiencing nightmares and anxiety during sleep due to sensing negative energies around them. Brings soothing and calming energy while you sleep.
Oils: orange blossom to soothe the soul and relax the body; lavender to bring spiritual healing

Herb: elder flower for releasing nightmares and to help with sleep

Stone: snowflake obsidian for protection and absorbing negative energies.

Sedona Hawaii and Ancient Memory Oils have been close business partners and allies over the last 30 years. With Ancient Memory creator Donna DeAmaral and Sedona Owner Malia Johnson, we have created an Exclusive Custom Design line of
Protection Oils that are only available to you through Sedona Hawaii.

Many of these recipes have been passed down to Donna through her studies of magickal practice for over 35 years. These
recipes have been passed down through generations of Magickal practitioners of many creeds and religions. Some of these recipes are well over 100 years old and are sacred to Donna and to those who have taught her this ancient knowledge. We now pass them along to you…



オイル: オレンジの花: 魂を安らがせ、体をリラックスさせる

           ラベンダー: マイナスなエネルギー体と体を癒す。睡眠中に頭に体の感覚をつなぎとめさせる

ハーブ: ニワトコの花: 悪夢から解放し、安眠を助ける

石: 雪の破片オブシディアン: 守り、マイナスなエネルギーを吸い取る