Starting on the 28th of July, a portal began to open in the heavens signifying the beginning of the Lion's Gate Portal - a magical time where the energy of the star system Sirius, also known as our "Spiritual Sun," rises and becomes visible in the sky. As the energy beaming from Sirius intensifies and peaks in the sign of Leo on the 8th, we can expect to experience powerful support from the cosmos. This is in fact the most powerful time for manifesting our highest goals and helping our intentions connect with the abundance of creationary energy available now. The number code 88 represents infinity, spiritual intelligence and DNA activation. This is the most optimal time to integrate the high-frequency energy of Sirius into our being, helping us unlock our destiny. This is doubly true as this auspicious time also coincides with the New Moon.
Having a new moon during the Lion's Gate is very special as the new moon will hyper charge our intentions. As Leo activates the lion like energy within us, its the perfect time to find our confidence again, push our personal boundaries and feel more connected and limitless than we have in many moons. While this is a magical time for manifesting and setting intentions it is also a time for going within to connect with our higher self. The Divinity with us always knows what is best, and if you find that you're struggling to think about what that is at the moment, just be open to releasing lower energies like stress, anger or hopelessness with the intention of being free from them. The veil between dimensions will be thin at this time and if we can breathe and take it in, we may find the courage we need to continue to elevate and expand our definition of who we are without the things that we think are holding us back. This is truly an enlightening time.
Even if you don't have a spiritual practice of your own, or haven't thought much about what it is that you want to create on Earth for yourself and collective, the energy available on August 8th, is so positive, so profound, that even just staying in a positive mind-set can be beneficial. Allow yourself to think about what you want to create in your life and simply be in the energy of ALLOWING. No struggle, no push, just presence and positivity.
Appreciate the astrological blogs!!
This is a great read! Especially, a great reminder for me to manifest and think positive goals!