The full moon on April 26th is special. It is the first Super moon of 2021 and is known as a Pink Moon by Native American Tribes and early settlers due to a type of pink moss that flowers in April. When the moon is close to the horizon, it will appear bigger and brighter.
On the day of April 26th, as the moon nears fullness, it is in the sign of Libra. This highlights your consciousness of balance, harmony, diplomacy and negotiations. There is a desire for emotional contact with others. At 5:31 pm HST, the moon is at it’s peak fullness at 07 degrees Scorpio. The Sun and Venus are together and are opposite the Moon. This can lead to discord with the opposite sex and indulgence in rich or sugary food and drink and a clash of wills or power struggles.
Many of you have awareness of the qualities of Scorpio, like intense emotional desires, enhanced sex drive and transformation. Since there is an opposition, it could lead to possessiveness, jealousy and unwise sexual encounters. However, it could lead to transformation of your relationship as you both reveal the feelings and issues you are dealing with. Remember the Libra qualities!
-Sundae Merrick, Psychic Astrologer